
The Mentoring initiative is a platform for children to share their challenges with mentors and receive expert guidance. Due to their backgrounds and limited exposure, the children at Nai Disha encounter various issues that need to be addressed by professionals and experts for resolution.

These issues, including bullying, peer group conflicts, coping with studies, or family concerns, are addressed by in-house mentors once a monthly. A mentor is assigned to each class, and the children share their concerns in confidence with the mentors to receive guidance. The mentoring includes inputs beyond academics and serves as a funnel to open their horizons to new possibilities.

The initiative is introduced as a sociocultural development activity and includes talks, movies, conversations around building awareness, and a space to come forward to share their thoughts. It works as a hand-holding session to educate and empower the children. The session includes peer conversations since other children may face similar challenges.

Santosh Jain
In house Skills for Youth

Experts have assisted the Nai Disha team in designing in-house skills development courses for the youth. These include cooking, stitching, computer class, and various others, which assist these learners in enhancing their skills and attitude.

Santosh Jain
Vocational Skills

Since many Nai Disha children complete their X or XII grade by the age of 20+, Nai Disha imparts vocational training courses to explore working opportunities for their future. Some of these activities are organized in collaboration with India Habitat Center, NIIT, ICICI, and Shikshantar- Udaipur. Nai Disha consciously collaborates with organizations to ensure skill development for its students to become self-reliant. A few students are already working in various domains, including electrical, computers, gardening, etc. It also empowers them with digital skills that would aid them in their career.

Santosh Jain
Youth Empowerment

Whether in regular or correspondence, Nai Disha youth students in college require guidance and continuous support in their studies, skills, and jobs. Nai Disha mentors such youth with consistency and commitment in their higher studies, employment, and skill training initiatives. 

Mentors make them aware of the skill training initiatives available at government or private institutions based on their age and qualifications. They also guide them to join such courses that add to their professional qualifications. Nai Disha assists such youth in prioritizing tasks, looking at the external environment, and guiding them to choose the right path. In this way, moral values are enhanced, and their growth in Education and jobs is monitored

Santosh Jain
Art Therapy

Art classes at Nai Disha are designed for the students to have fun and also to enable them to express their innermost feelings. They can overcome personal emotional issues like stress, loneliness, irritation, and repressed fears through different art exercises. The art teacher encourages original thinking, free imagination, and creativity to help students overcome their problems. And at the same time, skills are honed so that students can pursue creative fields in higher classes.

Santosh Jain
Emotional Development: Counselling and Mentoring

Once a week, children spend time with a pre-defined mentor or counsellor who identifies their emotional and mental needs. If required, weekly sessions are planned with a trained psychologist to deal with sensitive issues which demand professional help. Students share concerns about their schools, homes, and careers on alternate weekends.

Santosh Jain